Inventos Montolio Apps

Inventions Montolio 14.0
Here you can read inventions developed in the future (who wants togo beginning). You can also ask any thing you want another opinion.Search icon planet in social networks to change language. We hopeyou find things that you find interesting, you can talk to usdirectly by clicking on the envelope to request new or commentpublished some ideas. You can also get in touch with us by sendingmessages to the Hangout [email protected] account. Thisapplication will be continuously improved and new ideas visually.With option to remove the ads in appreciation for yourcontribution.
26J ¿Para qué sirve tu voto? 7.0
El gran desconocimiento sobre el sistemad´Hontpara la asignación de diputados en España y sobre cómoinfluyerealmente un voto en el recuento ha hecho necesaria unaaplicacióninformativa como ésta.Usando resultados de las encuestas, anteriores eleccionesytendencias de voto sabrás qué partidos tienen posibilidadesdeconseguir diputados en tu provincia y la ideología de éstossegúnse describen, actúan y opinan las redes y foros.¿Por qué por provincias? Porque tu voto sólo suma en tuprovinciay no se tiene en cuenta en el resto de España, nisiquiera en otrasprovincias de tu comunidad autónoma.Los anuncios no molestan ni dificultan ni lo más mínimo el usodela app.The lack ofknowledgeabout the D'Hondt system for the allocation of deputies inSpainand how to really influence a vote count has necessitatedaninformative application like this.Using survey results, previous elections and voting trendsknowwhich parties are likely to get in your province deputiesandideology of these as described, act and think networksandforums.Why by province? Because your vote only adds to your provinceandnot taken into account in the rest of Spain, even in otherprovincesof your autonomous community.The ads do not bother or hinder or least use the app.
pending tasks 21 Admob pregunta AdsIMidentificados
Organize tasks that accumulate order to find them.
Stopwatch Children 16 AdsIMOk
Help your children to eat within an hour and sit in the punishment.